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A writer's complaints...
Thursday, Nov. 15, 2007, 12:40

Slowly adding to my word count, but I fear that it may take a few "NaNo-thons" in the next two weeks for me to complete my goal. Especially if I continue to spend days out of the house tiring my self out... like yesterday.

Yesterday I took Nathanael for his second hair cut, and now he looks like a little boy instead of a baby. The poor guy even cried when he saw that his curls were gone. I should probably take some pictures for the family, but I'll get to that eventually. Aside from my lacksadaisical attitude towards keeping my extended family updated, I also spent all day going from store to store buying groceries and other items that we needed. Luckily, I was home in time to get Michaela off the bus, but I had no energy to write anything at all when the day was over.

As for today, well, it's payday. I spent all morning paying bills and watching our money dwindle into nothing... once again. There are times when I wish one did not have to worry about bills, it only seems to make one even more depressed than they already are. Anyway, after bills I fed the 2 year old and my self (YAY!! I remembered to eat!), and then I sat down to try and type another chapter. Thus far, I've stopped to scold Nathanael on multiple occasions, put him down for a nap, and even put him back in bed so he could take said nap. So, within four hours, I've only managed about 2000 words. What's truly sad is that I can read more words in four hours than I can type. *Sighs*

Oh well, I may post again later, but for now I think I will spank the toddler's butt, put him back in bed for the fourth time in ten minutes, and then I'll try and type some more.

~A Bientot

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