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Magic and Merrymaking
Wednesday, Mar. 12, 2008, 13:13

It's been a while since my last entry, but then again, not much has been going on in my neck of the woods. School is still going well, and when this term is over, I plan on adding my two textbooks to my "100 Books" diary page. Michaela's school is going well also. In fact Spring break commences on the 21st. As for Nathanael, well, he's beginning to grow more into himself. His boyish qualities are shining through, and he is not so quick to follow his sister in her misadventures.

The hubby is still in the desert... as he will continue to be until late this year. I have actually began a physical exercise routine as of this week. Between aerobics and TaeBo, I should be getting back into shape within a few months. (It's pretty bad when I cannot even do a sit-up... course I haven't tried in over seven years, either.) In addition to this change, I have decided to embrace the "new" me -- I just received my copies of Silver Ravenwolf's books (To Ride a Silver Broomstick, To Stir a Magick Cauldron, and To Light a Sacred Flame) and cannot wait to begin my reading. Along with my new way of thinking, I have decided to finally make my home my own -- by adding my own touches (other than my furniture and belongings). I am hoping to get into woodwork and gardening, as well as other homemaking projects.

Anyway, I need to get back to my studies, as today starts a new lesson week. Hopefully my next post will not be so long in coming.

~Merry Meet

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