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Sick kids and over-accommodating doctors
Monday, Nov. 19, 2007, 17:50

Things have been a bit hectic today...

First, my daughter wakes up around four this morning, her cough so bad that she appeared to be throwing up. Needless to say, she has had this strange cough for almost over a month now. Deciding this morning was the "last straw" as it were, I let her stay home from school so that I could take her to the doctor.

The doctor turned out to be the ER at the naval hospital, and her cough could not be explained. However, this did not deter the physician from diagnosing her with an ear infection and possible strep throat (which was never confirmed since he had decided to give her antibiotics for the ear infection anyway).

While we were there, I answered all the questions asked of me, and my son decided he wanted to be looked at as well. Lo and behold, the doc found my son to have bronchitis and diagnosed my self with a sinus infection. Yay!!! Now I get to leave the ER with a shopping bag of prescribed medication AND no diagnosis for my daughter's cough.

This portion of fun dealt with and over, I take my kids back home for lunch and a much needed nap. In the past couple of days, I've managed to write a whopping 0 words and had my suspicions of illness confirmed.

Got to love how things work out...

~"May the force be with you"

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